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excathedra – I am gentle sometimes, but seriously, whether the actions of the Member are as I observed “contrived” or as you stated “breach of principles of appropriate governance”, there’s little that can be done about that unless someone who’s entitled to a vote was denied that such in circumstances where the Notice of Meeting wasn’t provided in the prescribed timeframe, or where some procedural matter such as the providing of Proxy Forms wasn’t managed properly and it can be shown that a Resolution of the Meeting would have been different if those procedures had been properly followed.
Every post so far had suggested that renjay58 should be speaking with other Owners to explain what’s going on and the consequences of an ill-conceived vote, so that should be happening!
Just one final thought renjay – casually mention to your sneaky Member and to any of his supporters that unless the correct procedures are followed prior to the commencement of the planned EGM, you will be seeking Orders in the NSW Civil & Administrative Tribunal under the provisions of Sects 153 and 154 of the NSW Strata Schemes Management Act to have any and all Resolutions there taken invalidated and/or nullified.
Should you actually see the need to do that (and don’t be hesitant), then use THIS form and watch the timeframe shown in Sect 154, and come back here if you need some further advice from people who have been through the process.