
    good point about poll votes thanks – I’ll try to remember that next time.

    We had a nasty takeover attempt by a toxic owner who was also a strata manager seeking our strata management contract.  They employed 2 men in suits to knock on non-English speaking units and mislead them with ‘want to save money? sign here!’ – many susceptible owners did so.

    When we turned up to the AGM the nasty simply announced and passed a whole raft of new by-laws advantaging them.  This got the owners talking – ‘what’s going on here?’

    When it came to their agenda item to vote themselves into power as strata manager, I asked if they intended to use their ill-gotten proxies to vote themselves into power and take over our contract – they said ‘of course’ – a near-riot broke out when the assembled owners realised they’d been scammed.

    After a half-hour of shouting and argument I advised the chairman to use their power to declare the motion out of order which they finally did. 

    The nasty power-seeker protested high and low – we said sorry – the Chair has ruled.

    After years of struggle the dragon has been slain.  Nasty b. has hardly been seen since.  Cool