
    I have read correspondence from the tenants lawyers to our Strata Manager and they state ‘The Lessees,…..,are responsible for payment of Levies”…Their agreement under the 99 year lease states they shall pay all Levies and costs… so from the advice you have given it would appear that a Special Levy may not be their responsibility.. Legal interpretation on the terms of the contract may be required. 

    I have just received an email from the manager of the liquidators stating they have signed the Proxy over to the Strata Manager as they are the legal owners and entitled to do so… This of course is correct as owners under the Strata Law they can take this action, however, they have given a Proxy to the other lessee in her name. I think if they have signed and agreement to pay all levies and costs they should at least be able to vote at meetings especially when at those meetings increases in levies will directly impact them financially. 

    The Strata Manager wants their Proxy as he is trying to push through a motion to have a Special Levy imposed of $174,000 on 12 Units for cosmetic work (as per SPMA engineers.) Of course this also means registering for GST and this will cost the lessees more on top of their levies…(read Strataman article on GST). I also know he wrote all three motions on the Agenda pertaining to the GST and Special Levies.