
Too many owners do not fully understand or choose not to understand the communal living nature of strata.  Owners that do not pay their levies place a burden on the other owners in a strata scheme.In my case it is a particularly heavy burden.

By way of example, I live in a two unit scheme.  I have been successful in obtaining a CTTT order against the OC to undertake water ingress and urgent OH&S repairs. I was also successful in obtaining a s.162 compulsory manager for two years to manage the scheme with all the powers of the OC and EC.  That was the only way that the repairs could be undertaken.  The other owner who had more UE’s consistently voted against the repairs. The problem is so bad that the OC’s insurer has refused to insure the OC for public liability in the areas of the common property that need repair.  The CTTT ordered the SM to raise a special levy to undertake the repairs. The other owner who consistently blocked my attempts to get the repairs undertaken is now not surprisingly substantially in arrears to a five figure sum. 

I have paid my five figure share of the special levy.  However, this means I am in effect carrying the strata scheme.  It is only my money that is allowing the strata scheme to function.

Fortunately we have a very good SM who is diligent in pursuing the other owner.  However, the legal fees for doing so are mounting up. 

It is absolutely right that the miscreant owner should pay for the legal costs of pursuing him.