Lady Penelope

    Costa – Unfortunately you have missed the deadline for submitting a Motion to this GM. Any Motion that you now submit will be placed on the agenda of the next GM. 

    There are three ways to convene general meetings:

    (1) the secretary or strata committee may call a meeting at any time,

    (2) if owners entitled to vote, and who together hold at least a quarter of the total unit entitlements, give a written notice to the Secretary asking for the meeting to be held,

    (3) by order of NCAT.

    See here for the new legislation re how to convene a general meeting:


    Motions can be amended at a general meeting. How to amend a motion is described here: https://turnbullbowles.com.au/strata-meeting-tips-and-traps/

    Motions can also be ruled out of order by the Chairperson.

    You are permitted to discuss any of the three Motions on the Agenda and ask questions about them before they are voted on.

    If you want to discuss another matter at the GM then raising this with the Strata manager prior to the meeting is the correct thing to do. All owners are encouraged to participate in the affairs of their Owners Corporation and the General Meeting is just one of the vehicles which allows you to do this.