
Thanks Billen Ben. I reckon we've thrashed that topic.

On the subject consumer confidence in the CTTT my confidence has taken a beating a number of times but at others they have performed well.

I've had an adjudicators orders overturned by a Tribunal member where the member agreed that the adjudication was not a competent jurisdiction.

I've had a member of the office of the chairperson, wont say which one, meddling in matters that are not even within the jurisdiction of the CTTT.

I recall someone on this forum saying that the CTTT is not a “real” jurisdiction. I know from experience that they can be successfully held to account on jurisdictional matters and that are willing to hold themselves to account too.

Sadly one of my main critisisms of them is that they are a creature of statute but sometimes even fail to meet the objectives of the legislation that created them. And all they can do is apologise.