
We have commenced an action in NCAT under S.232 against a harassment-prone, chain-smoking and noise-addicted neighbour. His intimate and longstanding ties with the corrupt ruling elite in management and the OC have ensured his immunity to date. Both owner and management/OC have refused Fair Trading mediation in separate applications. Their conjoint intent seems obvious: to ruin those who expose their illegalities, which are multiple, and intimidate other decent owners and tenants into silence.

Management has now persuaded NCAT to allow it to join the serial-breacher neighbour’s defence, and overruled our opposition to legal representation. Whilst we have a strong and well-documented case against both parties and are confident of a reasonable outcome on a level playing field, we are also pensioners and severely-limited in economic terms. So much for NCAT’s cynical claims to be “accessible, economical and effective”.

Can anyone suggest a good legal firm who might consider taking on the case on either a pro-bono or “no win, no fee” basis?

Many thanks.