
    @FlatChatFan said:
    Deliria, you have been given some very good advice, especially from Jimmy, Whale and Struggler

    But the original question was can the paint on an interior ceiling be removed (or changed) without OC permission.  And in short, the answer is yes it can.  It would have to be the most extraordinary situation for this not to be the case.

    The developers are totally bluffing, as many who don’t understand OC laws (sadly) tend to do.

    Make a phone call to a specialist lawyer.  Please.

    The other matter about if the developers will act as they say after settlement.  Well, I’ve been hurt a few times on this and I would not trust them.  Developers tend to just walk away after settlement – they just stop corresponding and cancel their mobile numbers etc.  So have such matters legally agreed on before settlement. 

    But that is not really the question you asked.  To which the answer is:

    You can interiorly decorate as you like without OC permission.