
    proudsceptic thanks for your reply. the only paragraph on the current by law of the building with regards to renovations states. 

    change in use of lot to be notified

    an occupier of a lot must notify the OC if the occupier changes the existing use of the lot in a way that may affect the insurance premiums for the strata scheme (example, if the change of use results in hazardous activity being carried out on the lot, or results in lot being used for commercial or industrial purposes rather than residential purposes).

    Appearance of lot

    1) the owner or occupier of a lot must not, without written consent of the OC, maintain within the lot anything visible from outside the lot that, viewd from outside the lot, is not in keeping with the rest of the building

    20 this by-law does not apply to the hanging of any washing, towel, bedding, clothing or other articleas referred to in by-law10

    official date for EGM has not been given to us as strata manager has just resumed work. secretary has advised us earliest date would be 24th jan. but we would need to have confirmation in writing from strata manager. 

    Secretary also advised in the most recent meeting if we dont persue any structural work he will allow all works to be done without a by law. 

    we have already had a lawyer create a by law for our renovations and have it amended twice as per OC request. and after all that they are saying they wont allow the structual works anyway.