
    Hmmm.  There are three things here.  One is that the Act says you have to give two week's notice if you are going to change the structure (whatever that means) of your lot.  Then there are your by-laws and there's no telling what they say about renovations, when you are allowed to do them and whose approval you need for what.  Read them and all will be revealed. 

    Finally, there's common courtesy. You won't be the first person in strata too have just gone ahead and done this but that doesn't make it OK.  This work is going to be noisy and messy and that's going to affect many of your new neighbours to some extent.  Struggler is right – you've gone ahead and done part of the work in good faith – no point crying over spilt milk. But now is not the time to get all feisty about this.  Be a good neighbour explain your plans and ask the EC what you need to do to finish the job in a away that isn't going to upset them.  They have no idea if you plan to knock out walls, block up widows or drill down to the next floor.  A quiet word over a cup of tea will get everything back on an even keel.

    The opinions offered in these Forum posts and replies are not intended to be taken as legal advice. Readers with serious issues should consult experienced strata lawyers.