Happy Strata

    An example of why even ground floor units should have to abide by acoustic underlay standards:

    For the past six months our building manager and a number of Strata Committee members have been trying to track down noises being heard by a resident on the 1st floor of our complex. After the resident on the first floor accused the unit above, and to each side of making the noises, we finally established it was the unit below causing the excessive noise.

    A previous owner of the unit on the ground floor had installed floorboards with only minimal underlay. The current residents of the ground floor unit had a hobby where there were building things on a table that was sitting directly on the floor boards. All their pounding etc was being transferred into the floor > slab > presumably up the walls. 

    On a related note of noise travelling in buildings – a few weeks ago I would have sworn the unit above was doing concrete drilling directly above my bedroom (during the day). It was in fact three floors down, one unit across on the outside of the building. Noise travels in funny ways, and it is all owners responsibility to not make it worse for those around them when they renovate etc, even if others in the past did not care.