
    This situation is not dissimilar in nature to my mothers a few years ago except she was living in her own property [nb I didn’t have Power of Attorney]. Because no PoA, it was necessary for me to apply to the https://www.gov.uk/courts-tribunals/court-of-protection (COP) to be made a deputy to manage my Mum’s Property and Financial (P&F) matters….it took a couple of years, a few £thousand plus a specialist COP solicitor but made it in the end without her harming herself in the kitchen (gas & electricity !!) etc….eventually (2 years) she had to go into 24×7 care as she was diagnosed with dementia.

    BTW I think Scotland has it’s own COP, but not certain. If the mother in this case has a lease or other agreement with the Strata, then if her mental capacity can be assessed (happens in the COP process) to allow other person(s)to make P&F decisions on her behalf. This is what being a COP deputy allowed me to do.

    I used to get the [none of your business” attitude from authorities] as well until I became the COP deputy. Amazing what that single piece of paper achieved. This all happened in the London area, I spent about 5 years travelling from Australia to sort things. On retrospect glad I didn’t just leave it re above comment “feedback we are getting is that you can’t do much until something awful happens “. Also perhaps read https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/dementia/legal-issues/ for more info.

    ps there is also a COP process to obtain a Personal Welfare deputyship, this is even more involved my solicitor informed me and did not take this path (relied on the Property and Financial affairs deputyship only)
    pps I can provide solicitor contact details privately if requested for England only.