Sir Humphrey

    @gwyn said:
    Our Strata Committee voted to adopt the Model By Laws at our AGM last year.

    I am guessing that perhaps the members at the AGM voted to adopt the Model By Laws, not just the committee. Since you have only 7 lots, it might happen to be that every member at the AGM was a committee member but at an AGM people vote as members of the Owners Corporation, not as committee members. 

       However a majority of the Committee now feel they wish to rescind the Model By Law Clause 8  entirely… There is only one of the owners who would not agree.

    My question is:  Is there any reason why a majority of Committee (or Owners?) should not be able to rescind that particular clause in the Model By Laws?   

    As others have said, you can rescind that particular clause but it has to be done by the owners, not the committee, at a properly convened general meeting. Since there are only seven of you, you could easily choose informally to turn a blind eye to harmless children’s play until a convenient time to have the meeting.

    You might like to also think about whether there are other matters specific to your site that should be covered by an extra by-law or perhaps your previous by-laws had something specific and useful that was inadvertently thrown out. Then call a meeting to make the changes, but it does not sound urgent. 

    Once the changes have been made remember to register them.