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scapegoat – The committee is not permitted to make a decision that is outside of their responsibility. See [s36(3)(a)] below. The decision made by the committee is invalid as it is in breach of the Act.
NB: Does your scheme have a Strata Manager? If so then most of the Treasurer’s duties are generally fulfilled by the Strata Manager e.g. preparation of Budgets etc. What duties does the Treasurer do that justifies her honorarium?
Perhaps you can propose your own Motion about the Honorarium at the next General Meeting (either an EGM or AGM)? You would need to submit it as early as possible to avoid it missing the deadlines. Your Explanatory Material may be derived from some the suggestions that others have made on this thread.
Instead of 1/4 of the levies you could propose making it a much lower amount e.g. $200.00, or a dinner voucher at the local RSL Club(?). Then your Motion will be added to the committee’s honorarium motion. At the GM the Honorarium Motion will become a Motion with Alternatives. The OC will then to get vote on either the lower amount that you proposed – or the higher amount that the committee proposed. Given a choice your OC may chose to adopt your alternative.
There should be no expectation from the Treasurer that they should be granted an honorarium. That is not the purpose of an honorarium.
STRATA SCHEMES MANAGEMENT ACT 2015 – SECT 36 Functions of strata committee
Functions of strata committee
(1) A strata committee has the functions conferred on it by or under this or any other Act.
(2) A decision of a strata committee is taken to be the decision of the owners corporation. However, in the event of a disagreement between the owners corporation and the strata committee, the decision of the owners corporation prevails.
(3) The following decisions cannot be made by the strata committee:
(a) a decision that is required by or under any Act to be made by the owners corporation by unanimous resolution or special resolution or in general meeting,
(b) a decision on any matter or type of matter that the owners corporation has determined in general meeting is to be decided only by the owners corporation in general meeting.
(4) An owners corporation may in general meeting continue to exercise all or any of the functionsconferred on it by this Act or the by-laws even though a strata committee holds office.