Sir Humphrey

    @millswills1 said:
    Yes I agree entirely replacing asbestos doors is essential and I am happy it is happening I just wasn’t sure if that sort of thing should be run by the entire committee. I assume it was discussed with the treasurer. Thanks for your response SirHumphrey  

    Probably a grey area. If there is an approved budget in place for maintenance that could reasonably include this then it might be fine for the treasurer to just OK it. I’d prefer that the treasurer keeps the rest of the committee informed about anything like this that is more than a trivial expense. The committee has a responsibility to supervise the treasurer and SM. 

    Also depends a bit on how proactive the committee is and the extent to which things are explicitly and specifically delegated (ideally) or just vaguely left to the SM to do their best (less ideal). Some places just leave everything to the SM and get upset if they don’t just get on with it. Other places get upset if the committee has not given explicit approval before the SM spends anything. Cultures vary!  Better to be clear and ask if in doubt.