
    @Thor said:
    Will it be sufficient to send an email to all Owners alerting them to be aware of the current Model by-laws and any Bylaws specific to our Strata Plan?  

    The Act is very non-specific as to what a review is but I would think your suggestion is the absolute minimum.

    The ideal situation (in my book) would be to have a special information meeting of all interested owners to discuss the current by-laws and compare them with the model by-laws, with a view to holding a general meeting, if required, to update any by-laws that needed updating.  

    At the very least, I would be sending out a copies of:

    • Your previous by-laws (those that were in place until December 1 last year)
    • Your new model by-laws (which changed by default as your building is pre-1996)
    • The model by-laws for newer schemes.

    I would point out those that have changed by default and asking if any of your by-laws should be brought up to date with modern thinking as reflected in the new model by-laws for new schemes (pets and smoking being two of the issues).

    Generally speaking, I think it helps if we all regard this as an opportunity rather than an imposition.

    The opinions offered in these Forum posts and replies are not intended to be taken as legal advice. Readers with serious issues should consult experienced strata lawyers.