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    OK, your landlord has broken the law on several fronts, not least by trashing the terms of the Residential Tenancies Act which covers anyone who has a written or oral rental agreement.  It also has a number of obligations that the landlord hasn’t fulfilled – see this factsheet No 1 from Fair Trading .

    Even if you have failed to pay the rent on time, the landlord can’t just throw you out.  They can give you a notice to quit and then, if you fail to do so, they must apply to NCAT for an order forcing you to leave by a certain date.  The can’ just turn up and throw you out and they certainly wouldn’t have the police in tow, either.  

    So stay calm and start getting the law on your side.

    Have a look at this factsheet No 10 from Fair Trading.

    As a matter of urgency, call Fair Trading on a number you will find on THIS WEB PAGE.

    For help from the Tenants Union, go to their website.

    And you can call Legal Aid for advice on 1300 888 529 in office hours.

    If you feel threatened, go to your local police station and tell them about the threats.

    Finally, remember that this person can’t throw you out without a proper Tribunal order.  Start ringing the various agencies now and make sure the landlord knows you have reported his illegal behaviour.

    The opinions offered in these Forum posts and replies are not intended to be taken as legal advice. Readers with serious issues should consult experienced strata lawyers.