Lady Penelope

    The situation that you described is not ideal. Are you a member of the EC?

    If you are then you could send an email to your EC explaining what you would like to happen (e.g. seeking information from the strata manager in relation to Section 58, 59 or 60), and nominate yourself as the person to receive the Notice (see Section 61). Ask that the EC members respond to you by email so that a record of their consent is available if there is ever a problem down the track.

    It is important that at the next meeting that you make sure a record of this is noted in the Minutes.

    If you are not a member of the EC then try and contact an EC member who may be sympathetic to your idea and is willing to do all of the above.

    Obviously you would leave the strata manager out of the EC member email loop. The strata manager does not need to know about your EC member email loop at the deliberation stage.

    Procedure for requiring information from strata managing agent

    61 Procedure for requiring information from strata managing agent


    (1) An owners corporation is to require information from a strata managing agent under this Division by written notice given to the strata managing agent.

    (2) The notice must specify a member of the strata committee to whom the information is to be delivered.