
    Thanks Jimmy & bpositive… Our EC isn't into ripping off anyone. In fact our focus in the last 6 months has been improving communication with all owners and sacking an incompetent strata manager.

    Now we're stuck with the reality that our owners' corporation somehow managed to avoid for years: there are far more repairs to do than we can afford. The true test for our unit complex is whether the support we've fostered among unit owners in recent months will translate into financial support. I can already see there's a lot of work ahead.

    I agree with Jimmy about the balconies: I think we need a special resolution to lease out the balconies. But first we've got to repair them – seems they were never finished properly 30 years ago, and no one ever sought to make the builder finish their job.

    To be honest, I've seriously considered selling our unit rather than persist in spending so much time working as a project manager for free. Then I realise that we could end up in another unit with even more strata problems than ours. So on we go…