
    We have one of those!  Its seriously annoying bcuase we are only a block of 6 units, so the non payment is really felt by the other owners and we are now being hit with additional levies to cover the shortfall.

    The non -payer has been like this for as many years as anyone can remember, but intermittently drops a random amount into the kitty to divert attention.

    We have instructed our strata managers to go through the legal process of claiming the full monies owed, a process that in theory ends with bankruptcy and the forced sale of her property, however we are having trouble getting proper transparency on what the various stages stages are to get to that point.

    This course would at least mean that we could see our money returned in a finite amount of time (how long might this be?) However, someone has also told me that a judge is never going to throw a non-working widow out of her house, and that more likely they will garner a paultry amount per week from her Centrelink payment (or similar), in which case in effect we are never going to see this debt reconciled.


    Where does the truth lie? What are our options?