Sir Humphrey

    Most places would have a very general bylaw/rule/article which says something along the lines of: ‘A unit owner must not use the common property in a way that unreasonably interferes with the reasonable use and enjoyment of the common property by other residents’.

    The person who parks at the end of the driveway where it does not impeded anyone or apparently bother anyone is not ‘unreasonably interfering’. On the other hand the large 4WD in the middle of the driveway is impeding the reasonable use of the common property by the person wanting to be able to manoeuvre out of their allocated parking spot. So, there is no unfairness or inequity or whatever in addressing the 4WD in the particular impeding location via this rule.

    That said, the 4WD owner could start parking in the place at the end of the driveway where parking is acknowledged to be harmless. Then it would be first in, best dressed there since that area is common property and not given over to the exclusive use of any particular resident.