
    Out if interest, here is the Victorian model rule (by-law) on car parking.  Most stratas in Victoria would have this rule:

    3.2 Vehicles and parking on common property
    An owner or occupier of a lot must not, unless in the case of an emergency, park or leave a motor vehicle or other vehicle or permit a motor vehicle or other vehicle—
    (a) to be parked or left in parking spaces situated on common property and allocated for other lots; or
    (b) on the common property so as to obstruct a driveway, pathway, entrance or exit to a lot; or
    (c) in any place other than a parking area situated on common property specified for that purpose by the owners corporation.

    So, in Victoria at least, most OCs can’t even give permission to park on common property (outside parking areas) without first changing their rules. Changing rules in Victoria is easier said than done – try getting the required special resolution passed in larger stratas! 

    OC’s could create a parking area on common property but I doubt they could allocate that area to specific lots only without some form of exclusive use arrangement.  Or look forward to disputes from other owners/residents.

    I agree that it can be done, just like others have said. And it’s probably easier to do it in NSW where special resolutions are achievable.  It’s the implementation and ongoing regulation of it that might be tricky. One problem is that residents when they see others parking on common property will simply continue do it themselves. So the OC can look forward to ongoing disputes with them. Not fun for the committee.

    Perhaps some signage might work?  Perhaps opening up an area that’s available for all residents would work – but it would be a like creating new visitor parking. The Australian parking standard (AS2890.1) has a lot of rules about access widths and clearances that also should be met.  It would have to be carefully thought through.

    Parking is one of the major problem areas in strata schemes.  Residents get very upset with it.  I’ve been on the receiving end of that more times than I care to remember.

    I hope the OP lets us know what happens!