› Flat Chat Strata Forum › By-laws and outlaws › shoes and personal items being left on common property at front doors › Current Page
Thanks for your quick replies. It got to a state where there were more shoes being left out than the number of units. It’s not everyone of course, just a few residents with an awful lot of shoes. I don’t have any problems if the occasional pair is left neatly at the front door, but I do when one unit alone ends up with about 14 pairs. Shoes are being left there as a permanent storage place.
Also if personal items are being left out continually on the common property, does this become the property of the OC. Can the OC remove them?
the other issue I am aware of is that where the shoes and personal things are being left is also one of the common property footpaths and the only undercover footpath for the residents to walk under if they choose to. We do have one elderly resident who uses this footpath and i worried this could be a trip hazard for her. I consider that this could also fall under the WH&S side of things. There is another smaller footpath closer to our driveway but its in direct sunlight most of the day, so I notice the older resident likes to walk under the protected footpath.
When the particular owners of the tenants leaving the shoes out were asked if they would ask their tenants to remove their personal things off the CP, these owners have said they don’t have a problem if shoes are left out and we have to accept it’s ‘community living’. (These particular owners are the aggressive owners of the block).
I view it that if there is a common property footpath, everyone has a right to walk there in safety, even if it’s just one owner.
But we have just adopted our new set of by laws! Is it too late to request a clause be included in? We do have by-laws 9 & 17 (as above) in our bylaws, so do you think these two By-Laws are applicable enough if the OC don’t want to change anything more in the adopted By-Laws?
I asked our strata manager if we could do up a small welcome kit to new residents, even just a small one page with general information of our block, but the SM wasn’t interested in this and dismissed it. Is there a small ‘welcome pack/kit’ template anywhere that I could take along to our next meeting?
In my case the biggest problem I have in my opinion with all my issues is that our SM has an overly aggressive and controlling way of managing, this makes the nicer owners just ‘go along’ and the aggressive owners ‘fight harder’.