
    I’m intrigued by the possible legal ways to block short-stay lets. Could you give some specific info on measures that are legal and that work?

    I’d wondered if additional, specific by-laws were required (or not?) that laid any extra expenses/liabilities incurred by the Body Corp/OC on to the owners of short stay lets in the building. Such as,

    • Additional cleaning costs.
    • If an insurable incident occurred and insurance coverage was refused because the incident was caused by a short stay let and the let was outside a state or local gov’t law/rule/regulation. Could the Body Corp/OC pass the repair costs of the non-insured incident on to the lot/s owner’s?
    • Higher building insurance premiums due to short stay lets. (where applicable)
    • Call out and additional administration fees for (attempting to?) dealing with noise, parking issues, etc. caused by short stay residents.

    Or are there other/simpler methods?
