
    @Tess McGill said:
    It does concern me that people who seem to have a role in society assisting people with their health (medical staff) can’t differentiate between bin types, or grasp the principles of rubbish disposal. Not the sort of people you want giving medical advice…..  

    You have identified one of the fundamental reasons short-stay lets should not be allowed in residential buildings.  There is zero sense of responsibility among fly-by-night residents to discover the basic rules – written and unwritten – of a building and then abide by them.

    I dread what concoction of populist and and trendy, half-baked legislation we will be faced with when NSW parliament finally comes up with a “solution” to the spread of short-stay letting.

    In fact, the solution is already there in our council zoning and any legislation that tampers with the status quo will be fixing something that isn’t really broken.

    Just support the existing laws and stop pandering to businesses that present themselves as a caring, sharing hug-fest when the reality is that they are a multinational corporation that has made a substantial chunk of its billions by helping greedy investors to break the law and avoid paying tax.

    Our politicians are so blinded by popular opinion and what’s trending on social media that they can’t see what’s right in front of them. 

    They seem to live in this fantasy land where, despite all the evidence to the contrary, everyone who goes out for a drink late at night is a violent thug whereas everyone who sets foot in strata, even for a weekend, is a model citizen who would never dream of upsetting their neighbours.

    The opinions offered in these Forum posts and replies are not intended to be taken as legal advice. Readers with serious issues should consult experienced strata lawyers.