
    M S

    You have just raised one extremely important point:  

    “As for Council, that’s a little trickier – at least two of the Councillors have rental properties in town that they lease to Health”.  

    I would imagine this is what one would refer to as a classic case of “Conflict of Interest” involving members of Local Government.  Are the Members of Local Government involved in an “Illegal Use of Premises”?  (It would depend on the development consent on their properties I imagine.)  

    Gather documentation.  Very public individuals can be backed into very public corners and ‘positions of power’ can end up being their Achilles Heel.  It’s a brave soul who takes them on; be warned.

    As mentioned, there is currently a Parliamentary Inquiry under way.  One imagines that recommendations will be made to Parliament after the Inquiry wraps up. As Parliamentarieans travel into/out of Sydney frequently, do any of them own rental properties in Sydney which they let (or have let) short-term when they are back in their electorates?

    When politicians vote at Local, State or Federal Level (eg, all the pollies who own properties in Canberra…are they short-term let?), where can one expect politicians to be acting in the interests of Society, rather than in their personal financial interests?  But then, isn’t that what everyone’s talking about these days?

    I can’t emphasise enough – I’ve lived the nightmare:  The NSW Land and Environment Court has repeatedly judged that ‘mixed use’ – short-term letting with permanent residential occupancy – is “fundamentally incompatible”.

    As I said before:  Good luck!