
    You are right about inner city living but that doesn't give people the licence to behave like they're on permanent Schoolies Week.

    Go through your by-laws – they should cover all this bad behaviour – and then contact Fair Trading 13 32 20 about issuing a Notice To Comply (or more than one), which they can do on your behalf if your Executive Committee won't.

    I'm reluctant to endorse Building Managers and/or Strata Management Companies for the simple reason that good companies can have less than brilliant individual managers and vice versa. 

    However, I have a lot of time for  Eric Francis Management as building managers and Linders, Strata Plus and Strata Choice as strata managers. Francis Management, especially, would have your anti-social elements sorted out pronto as well as providing a very reliable and personable day-to-day service.

    The opinions offered in these Forum posts and replies are not intended to be taken as legal advice. Readers with serious issues should consult experienced strata lawyers.