
     Kitty Boyes said:

    One thing the cancer patient could do is shut his window. This may assist with keeping out the cigarette smoke, the toxic and lethal exhaust fumes …

    Kitty Boyle.. representative of which tobacco company??

    Your post is laughable. In our block we currently have a young woman who sits on her balcony with her friends smoking away into the early hours most days. The smoke travels into all the neighbouring units and STINKS. It is rude, inconsiderate, offensive and a health hazzard. For starters you end up shallow breathing all night and wake up tired and un-rested.

    Closing windows?? That's a great idea on a summer night Kitty Boyle, that way we can have NO breeze come in to cool the unit down. And yes, we did try that before sweating ourselves to sleep.

    This is a health issue and it's a basic respect, courtesy and consideration issue. I'd love to blast my music loudly and have parties etc but I don't because I respect my neighbours, it's that simple.

    Lets just hope strata can do something about it because polite requests and the Police have had no lasting effect.

    What you are saying about toxins in general is missing a large part of the point Kitty Boyle. Cigarette smoke is dirty and disgusting and stinks. I don't imagine lying in a bedroom or sitting in a lounge room filled with passive smoke would be good for anyones health either..