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I think it is reasonable in some cases for the owners corporation to prefer panels in a particular style or layout and to have the often brightly coloured inverters in unobtrusive locations. On the other hand this is the 21st century and it is not reasonable to deny the opportunity to use solar energy equipment at all. I would find out if the majority of owners oppose your PV system. If the numbers are on your side, suggest to the EC that you leave the panels in place till the next general meeting at which you put a motion that you be allowed to keep them. A decision of a general meeting would over-rule the EC. In our owners corp there were some who strenuously objected to PV systems on aesthetic grounds and they tended to be noisy. Others told me they liked seeing them every time they came home because it made them feel good about living in a progressive place where many tried to be environmentally friendly.
In the meantime, gather your information about whether NSW is following the QLD lead. In the ACT I think this is being considered seriously with a report to government due in the next few months. Our Unit Titles Act is under review. Its terms of reference include removal of impediments to the uptake of solar in strata. Perhaps the EC just needs to be gently made aware of which way the world is headed. Our set of town houses has 12 out of 105 units with private PV systems. A substantial majority voted in favour of a communal system on a share common area carport also. That has not happened yet-a long story!
I know of another owners corp that organised a good deal to have a PV system installed on the roof of every unit.