
    Hi Cristiane,

    Apart from the fact that there was no formal approval in the first place, you are right in that the issues need to be thought through and properly understood so that the appropriate approvals and by-laws can be put in place. It is very common that conduit and other system elements will need to be external.

    You might like to have a chat to the QLD Dept of Infrastructure & Planning. There's some smart legislation they introduced, under the heading of “Ban the Banners”, to facilitate installation of solar hot water and solar panels for units and townhouses – and ensure that installations aren't prohibited on appearance grounds. You can find a fact sheet at


    I don't know any of the finer points, but hopefully the department can give you some more detail on what the owners corporation can and cannot object to.

    Another fact sheet compiled by the Go Solar project team here in NSW summarises the issues that need to be considered by an Owners Corporation:


    I'd love to hear how you go.

