Lady Penelope

    My understanding of the issue would be that changes to the Community Management Statement (i.e. By laws) would be paid by the Owner’s Corp for the simple reason that the Owner’s Corp would have to have approved the new By law before it was registered.

    To change a By law or create a new By law a special resolution is needed, which means no more than 25 per cent of votes are cast against the motion at a general meeting of the owners corporation. In your situation 3 out of 4 Lot owners would need to vote for the new By law. 

    By-laws are changed or created by the Owner’s Corp for the better enjoyment or management of the strata scheme as a whole.The By law would not therefore be paid for by only the early adopters. The ‘wait and see’ Lot owners, or future owners of these Lots, would still have the option of installing solar panels at a later time, albeit not in the most ideal location on the common property roof.

    Notification of any new or changed by-law must be given to the Registrar General’s Office. This can be done by lodging a ‘Change of By-Laws’ form, which is available from the Land and Property Information website at http://www.lpi.nsw.gov.au (see Starta Scheme Forms) and 
