
    Jimmy T

    Absolutely no criticism meant nor am I trying to berate anyone.  I have a personal interest in pmo’s original post and was hoping someone else might have had experience of this and if in turn anyone knows of Section 71 of the Civil and Administrative Tribunal Act ever being applied or enforced?  I was hoping to keep to topic current and in sight in the hope that someone has some news on this matter.

    In the past I’ve mentioned to all sorts of people that there is legislation aplenty, certainly in NSW, but I personally have failed on just about every occasion to activate any of it.  I have had the NCAT issue Orders on one thing only, after being refused for more than 12 months just to make application to the Tribunal, and when I was finally given the OK to apply for Orders, it took three Submissions to finally get the Orders.  The NCAT adjudicator even questioned why I was applying, saying that the legislation is absolutely clear.  With someone now putting me on notice that he’s going to sue me, having those Orders is pretty critical to what will be my defence, should the mattr proceed.  

    The NCAT is suppose to be there for people who haven’t got bucket loads of money to spend on legal fees but on all occasions I’ve felt humiliated by the Tribunal’s responses to my applications.

    I have asked myself often if I am totally, completely, absolutely, shockingly incompetent or, if not, what exaclty is goin on out there with our legislators and tribunals.

    Please, the last thing I want to appear is critical of the flat chat forum.