
    Joe has been discriminated against he has every right to lodge a complaint with Australian Human Rights Commission. The Chair has no right to change the location of the meeting thus denying Joe access to the meeting. I would feel the human right commission or Federal Court, if it got to that level after consultation would null and void any decision/motions made at that meeting. It is not Joes responsability to see if he could be carried up the stairs it is the committee/chair/secretary responsability to ensure the meeting is accessible as all meetings should be and especially as Joe is a regular participant.

    Under the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 he has the right to claim he has been discriminated against. It makes me so annoyed when people carry on like this in this day and age (but unfortunatly it happens all to often). Conquences for the chair I can not predict but I (if I was to carry on like that) would not like to suffer them.

    Thank u for not saying Joe is “wheelchair bound”.

    Peter Simpson

    Access consultant/disability advocate/wheelchair user.