
The debt recovery fees are an issue which I think could be getting out of hand.. whilst I appreciate that strata managers dont want to chase levies in arrears and they should be paid on time it is oh so common now that the managers hastly charge $30 (costs) for a letter being sent out for arrears (after about 2months this is about $450 of 'costs') 9/10 times the arrears turn out to be caused by a discrepency in the strata roll or an owner forgetting to update their mailing address however even with $450 of late fees at no time did anyone in the 'collections department' bother to pick up the phone and call the phone numbers listed on the strata roll which would have sorted the matter in 40 seconds..


Even worse I notice many strata managers are 'referring this to solicitors' whom charge $50 for referal to legal & $150 for an arrears letter every two weeks.. whilst in reality strata managers are printing these letters themselves in their office straight onto the legal office letter head..   a tidy profit made between the strata and solicitors for sending out a few letters say  200 apartments a month times 2 letters time $150 = $60k a month..  Banks are getting it at the moment for this sort of extortion on dishonour fees.. it wont be long till the strata managers do too..