
    BA777 said:

    As maybe slightly half of the tenants are renters, and he’s always snooping around, i dunno how many of them buy into his words. But i heard he does not get along with a tenant or two.

    I am not hopeful of the Strata company doing anything, but what help does going to NCAT do?”

    Hi bah777, Jimmy’s idea of sitting down with the guy is good advice. Whatever you do you have to be able to live with it and stress is never good. The guy may respond and back off after either a friendly talk or a stern warning (bullies often do) but are you comfortable doing either? 

    I didn’t mean you should go to NCAT. What I said was “build a case” keep things eg notes, records of calls or conversations with others.  If others, be they tenants or owners, have issues with this guy try to get them to complain or put it in writing. I note that you have spoken to someone who had her uncle give him a stern warning, if nothing else talking to others might make you realise that it isn’t just you that this guy is picking on. 

    In all probability the issue won’t escalate or proceed to NCAT but it would be a shame if it did and you didn’t keep a record of things supporting your views.