
    @bah777 said:
    Hi Jimmy,

    Do u think buying gift cards with a note to each affected tenant (including the weird guy…) placed in their mailboxes helps?

    Nope. But having neighbours round for a few drinks is normal and gives you a chance to get to know each other (and gossip about the weird guy).

    As for the weird guy, if he already has a personal agenda to the whole building, it seems nothing will ever appease him unless he is chairman or something?

    Ask him if that’s what he wants.  If he says yes, tell him that upsetting everyone is not the best way to achieve this.  Owners aren’t going to elect him and tenants are reporting back their landlords about his behaviour.  If he asya he doesn’t want to be the chairman, tell hime to stop trying to rule other people’s lives

    I remembered one of the owner (moving back soon) at the AGM who told me her uncle once gave the weird guy very stern warning and he backed off from harrassing her with calls.

    A couple of years ago I had a run-in with a neighbour who was posting stupid, nasty notices about me on the notice board.  Eventually I sent him a text that said “Please understand I can’t allow this to continue”.  No threats, just a simple statement of fact and allowed him to work out what that meant.  His imagination did  the work for me.

    Do u think i should rent out or just move in? Stress is affecting me.

    You sound like a person who doesn’t like confrontation and would find a prolonged battle with this person very wearing.  Save the money you would have spent on gifts and get a strata lawyer to send this person a letter detailing all the things that he has done that are illegal and the steps you intend to take if there is just one misstep by him, including AVOs, by-law breach notices and fines (which in three months will be payable to the Owners Corp.)

    Lawyers letters scare the crap out of people and it sounds like this idiot really doesn’t like it when people stand up to him.

    It might cost you a few hundred dollars but it could be well worth it in the long run.

    Also, have a look at the advice I gave HERE. Discussing this person’s behaviour at a meeting and referring to it in the minutes might make him realise that you are all united against him.  Let him have the sleepless nights.

    The opinions offered in these Forum posts and replies are not intended to be taken as legal advice. Readers with serious issues should consult experienced strata lawyers.