Sir Humphrey

    Normally I tend to favour being flexible so that decisions on simple matters can be made quickly by email and then formally minuted at the next meeting. However, when some committee members are being left out, that is when you have to insist on formal process. 

    At the next meeting, make a point about the need to minute decisions. Insist that the minutes record that you did not take part in the decision because it was not communicated to you. Put things onto the agenda, even when you suspect the others have gone behind your back, to force a discussion. 

    Keep insisting that the minutes record your exclusion from the decision even if the numbers are against you to change the decision. I guess sometimes you might support the decision but were just left out of discussion. Then insist that the meeting minutes record a decision was taken out of session without your knowledge but you would support it. IE, get pedantic about process. 

    Put a motion to the committee that any instruction to the strata manager that purports to be a committee decision must be CC’d to all committee members. How could anyone object to that?