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In relation to this:
…they still say they don’t have meetings, because they don’t have formal motions or agendas or votes. They say their decision-making is just a series of emails with eventual agreement.
The Committee can’t have it both ways – to make a valid decision, they need to have a meeting with an agenda including proposed motions, and vote on those motions – this would be particularly relevant for decisions regarding items that are significant, such as major projects. Notice of the meeting must be given to all owners, with the agenda and proposed resolutions. Bear in mind that giving notice of proposed resolutions is an essential measure as it is connected to two things:
– an owner’s right to attend Strata Committee meetings
– the right of owners holding one-third of unit entitlements to block a proposed resolution by lodging a notice of objection to that resolution.
(note you can have a paper meeting, or a decision made by written resolution, but certain requirements must be met which are dealt with in another response)
A series of emails with eventual agreement is not a resolution in accordance with the Act or general law. It follows that you can challenge those purported “decisions” as not being valid.
Also the agent says it’s too expensive and time-consuming to let all owners know about Committee activities. It requires some emails but also some printed posted copies, Plus the noticeboard copy.
The agent can say that, but the Act requires that notice of Strata Committee meetings and/or proposed resolutions must be given to all owners. It is not optional. The agent is disregarding the requirements of the Act.