
    I’m astounded that after more than two (2) years of reasonably detailed and regular commentary from the NSW State Government, the responsible Minister/s, and their Agencies about progress of much needed reforms to the State’s strata management legislation, and the final passing of the Strata Schemes Management Bill (2015), that the strata industry’s professional association has been lobbying for further prevarication “in order to allow the sector time to update its processes and procedures, to train staff, and to educate owners corporations on changes to their obligations”.

    How do these self-titled strata industry professionals expect to be taken seriously when after all this notice of the anticipated changes and ample opportunity for input, that the only process or procedure that I see they’ve so far managed to implement involves the form of their standard Strata Management Agency Agreement, where any negative impacts upon the commission that they’ve traditionally received on strata plans’ building insurance can be off-set by an equivalent increase in their services fee?

    They’re kidding right?