
    I did not say they the by laws work here, I said that I moved into such a place for the added protection of strata by laws.  And so do many others.  But we, like many strata complexes, have residents who believe strata by laws are for everyone else but them and those who believe it is only them breaking the laws so it shouldn't matter. But one sees apartment X doing it so apartment Y does too then apartment Z starts.

    From reading your posts I read that you live in a type of strata which has distance between you and your neighbours.  This would be luxury to some of us who are living within metres of each other.  When rubbish, junk and cars are left right outside my neighbours door, they are also right outside mine.  When living in medium/high density strata, others actions directly affect your life visually and physically.

    My point being, if I wanted to live next door to someone who likes to leave things lying around, I would prefer to live in a house where there is that little bit more distance between me and their stuff and not here where their stuff is arms reach away.