Billen Ben

    struggler said:


    If I wanted to have trouble getting into my driveway/garage due to neighbours cars parked all over the place, if I wanted to walk out my front door and see garage/rubbish/rusted cars/overgrown weedy gardens, if I wanted to come home and find my neighbour had constructed a lean-to  out the front and painted it purple,  I would have bought a house……….

    You could have bought a house and you could have also bought a property in my SP; you describe the vista so well.
    I am glad your by-laws protect you because they do not work here. We have some extreme by-laws and an EC that picks and chooses when it wants to pursue a by-law. CTTT have dome nothing but endorse the poor management practises and so being dysfunctional is now the authorised norm.

    The entire system has failed in this SP but the SP goes on.