Sir Humphrey

    The decision to engage a new manager or renew the contract of the old manager is a decision for a general meeting, not the EC. However, it is the job of the EC to do the homework and legwork and make a recommendation and put a motion to the OC at a general meeting. The resolution of the meeting authorises the EC to sign the new contract. 

    You could put a motion to change to a particular new manager. If it fails the contract with the old manager probably has a clause to go month to month, but you should check. 

    It is a long time since our OC changed managers but we are about to go out into the market ourselves to see what it is like. We were very pleased with the particular manager we first had at Independent in 2008-9 but she moved to a different position then retired. We had some others who varied from so-so to pretty good. My main complaint is that we seem to have manager changed on us a bit too often – 7 in 8 years. It takes a while for each to get to know how our EC likes to do things.  We are quite hands-on so the managing agent really only deals with the mechanical matters of keeping the accounts, paying bills etc. 

    I suspect that Independent are realising that their customers don’t like the turnover and so have recently moved to having us managed by ‘teams’ albeit with one main person still.