
    Once the EC has gathered quotes/services of say 3 strata managing companies, then lodged it as an item at the AGM with the current strata manager attending? Do we then need to get the strata roll and inform all owners of the 3 choices and ask everyone to approve?

    Or is it like when the EC was given the quotes comparison of strata building insurance companies by our SM and simply asked to make our choice. 

    The EC or any owner can put forward a new strata company, as long as it is recorded at a AGM or GM, just the EC can approve the choice and proceed with the changeover?   

    Is there possibly an EC in the ACT who is at least satisfied with their strata company, any recommendations of perhaps a smaller outfit or even independent manager to look after a 36 unit complex? I read Transparent Facilities Mgmt was perfect for a small NSW complex, wonder if they do the ACT. 

    We have strolled around our complex with 2 companies so far but it’s good to ask everyone one meets if they know anyone!

    With thanks!