

    I couldn’t disagree more.

    If the strata manager is just going ahead and setting the agenda and the budget without consultation with the committee how can a building change for the better?  

    Basically because, at least in Victoria,  AGMs don’t much matter anymore.

    I’ve been to hundreds of them and they are mostly just formalities except for “other business”.   Most owners don’t even bother attending.  I’ve never yet been to one that has achieved a quorum (in nearly 40 years).  I’ve been to several where it was just me and the strata manager.  The budget is usually just a projection based on the past year’s expenses.

    According to my SMs (some of the biggest in Australia), it’s only when there’s a major financial decision on the AGM agenda that attendance numbers swell. 

    IME it’s the rest of the year that really matters.  And that’s where active strata committees make a huge difference.   They handle problems and issues as they occur and get things done for the benefit of the owners and occupiers.  My committees actively engage on important issues with owners and occupiers throughout the year.  Why wait to the AGM to inform them?  IMO the AGM is becoming a bit of a nuisance.  But at least it does give owners a chance to present GM motions for free. And to turn up to meet fellow owners.  And to optionally elect a new committee (in Victoria that does not need to be done). And to of course set a budget.  My committees often have to undo that budget later in the year anyway.

    All my SMs allow changes to their AGM agenda by any owner who wants to add to the agenda.  But they do have to be quick about it.

    To note that in Victoria, around 25% of the population live in OCs (source: SCA).  But the average OC size is 8.44 lots (source: SCA).  So most strata occupiers are not living in large strata schemes. Sometimes I think too much attention is paid to issues for larger strata schemes when most people are in fact living in smaller strata schemes.  Being a committee member in both I do see a difference in how the scheme/committee/manager functions even if it is under the same law.