
    @Austman said:
    Basically because, at least in Victoria,  AGMs don’t much matter anymore.

    I’ve been to hundreds of them and they are mostly just formalities except for “other business”.  

    There’s no “other business” allowed at NSW general meetings. If it’s not on the agenda, it shouldn’t be discussed and certainly can’t be voted on.

    Most owners don’t even bother attending.  I’ve never yet been to one that has achieved a quorum (in nearly 40 years).  I’ve been to several where it was just me and the strata manager.  The budget is usually just a projection based on the past year’s expenses.

    At the risk of sounding flippant, why would people attend when they are totally excluded from the decision-making process?  Seriously, there’s a correlation to be made between lack of engagement and lack of attendance.

    Reading the rest of your post, I think it’s fair to say that the system in Victoria is totally and fundamentally different from NSW and so it’s probably unwise to project what works in one state on to the other.

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