
Hi Jimmy,

Thanks for the SMH article today.  Absolutely spot-on. 

We met with the General Manager and Compliance Manager at the Council this week.  Finally, the respective units were inspected by the Council Officers (they had to issue a “Notice to Enter” since the owner refused to respond to requests to inspect) and a report of their findings has been sent to the Council’s lawyers for consideration.  Assuming the lawyers confirm a breach of the LEP, the Council then has to put it to a vote as to whether ratepayers funds should be used to fight it at the Land and Environment Court.  They told me that based on similar situations at other councils in the area it is unlikely that funds will be allocated.  As the cartoon stated “Que Sera (Whatever will BnB will be)”.

I’d like the Council Managers to consider the rebuke Gosford Council received in this ruling (sorry for the opposition publication!):


Still no reply from Airbnb.  I will try the Twitter approach.