Lady Penelope

    The Strata Inspection Report is an additional report that should be conducted prior to signing the Contract or during the Conditional phase of the Purchase Contract. These reports usually cost a couple of hundred dollars and are generally not included in the normal Conveyancing. Did you request this report? Did your Conveyancer carry out this report on your behalf? Unfortunately, not every purchaser does this  type of search.


    If the strata scheme was not deliberately trying to hide the building faults then they should have been discovered in the Strata Inspection Report. It is probably too late for you to do much about this. You purchased in March and it is now December.

    However, you still have a way to fix these faults …. If you believe that the water ingress is not your problem and instead believe that it is a building defect then you have every right to demand that the strata scheme pays to rectify the problem. 

    Has the water ingress problem which is impacting your Lot been fixed? If so, did the strata scheme fix it? Are they now chasing you for money. If they are then you can refuse to pay it until they can prove that they are legally correct and that you are wrong.

    Please don’t allow yourself to be bullied or intimidated by the strata manager.

    If the water ingress problem has not been fixed then please contact VCAT and they will help you sort it out.

    All Strata plans are different but windows in external walls are generally the responsibility of the strata scheme to maintain. The strata scheme insurance policy should pay to repair your flooring. Ask your strata manager to process this claim for you.

    Your building is not the only shoddy building in Victoria. https://www.theage.com.au/victoria/melbournes-highrise-nightmares-taking-a-tall-toll-on-residents-and-investors-20160916-gri6l4.html