
    What do you think about a two lot strata scheme in NSW which was shut down twenty three years ago with this statement:”With only two residents in the “complex”myself and my former neighbour felt that rather than waste money on strata fees we would manage the properties ourselves, which we did successfully for 23 years until her death.”

    Managing the properties ourselves meant that nothing was repaired or maintained in that period of time.

    I am the new boy on the block who has had to replace three external load bearing stud frames due to termite damage or the roof would collapse.
    Deal with storm water drainage problems which make the slab extremely damp causing black mould inside the villa. Rusting gutters, Termite infested timber retaining walls, etc.

    I have not been compensated for the $7500.00 it cost to replace the load bearing stud walls because in the opinion of the other owner I was compensated with the lower price I negotiated for the villa.

    How can this obvious abrogation of responsibility to strata law be allowed? What penalties, if any, are in place for such people to be made accountable?

    The owners corporation is now facing repairs and maintenance costs approaching $100,000 and this person wh0o has disregarded the law gets off scot free and others have to pay for their negligence.

    Your response would be appreciated.