
Hi Jimmy T. Great article regarding complaints. From your posts I feel like you and I are on the same page with most issues and I know you get pleas for help day in and day out, but here is another plea for help. What should I do? Our current strata manager and committee are not following the Act for committee meetings, for general meetings and general codes of conduct. Don’t get me wrong, they’re not a lazy committee, but they consistently breach the Act and our bylaws – notices for GMs posted late, incorrect number of proxies allowed at meetings, not indicating certain motions require special resolution on the notice, committee meetings with no agendas, attempting to rig committee elections, minutes for GMs supplied 12 months later, poll votes conducted incorrectly, committee members parking in visitor spots day in and day out, filming from hidden cameras in the car park by a committee member, and so on…you’ve heard it all before, I know. We had our AGM last weekend and a special resolution got passed by 1 vote (to have hard floors – ouch), but a proxy allocated to me emailed to the SM was withheld, and another owner voting for the motion had 3 proxies (we have 56 lots). By now it’s hard to believe the actions reflect incompetence, and easier to believe they reflect trickery. I know the Act, and I know why the provisions and clauses are there; to protect owners and to create transparency. Despite my protests at the AGM and letters to the SM and committee over the last few years – still no change. If anything it’s getting worse. I’ve already taken the OC to NCAT to adopt a 10 year plan – which ruled in my favor (amazing I know) and the SC agreed to adopt a plan and follow it, which is now in place. I really could use your advice, should I pour myself a glass of wine and let it slide or should I fight on and try to make the OC re-run the AGM given the mistakes and incorrect rulings, which I assume will require another trip to NCAT? It’s a lonely battle.