
    Interesting, although whist NSW Legislation doesn’t explicitly exclude voting at General Meetings by any means other than personally or by proxy in the form prescribed at a physical meeting, it doesn’t explicitly permit alternatives such as on-line voting either.

    Nonetheless our Owners Corporation resolved several years ago to permit on-line voting at General and Executive Committee Meetings, but with the proviso that there was a quorum present at the physical meetings of the former.

    In the interests of equality of advertising, THIS is the system that our Plan’s been using very successfully for an average 17 on-line votes per AGM, and at an average cost of $150 for each of those Meetings.

    I am parochial though, so I’d love to peruse V2 of that Qld-developed system; can’t help wondering what the outcome would have been if that or something similar could have been used for the recent State Election (?).